Get Aligned At Work
7 weeks to a more soul-nourishing job as an introverted empath
When all the positive mantras in the world can’t lift your Sunday blues, and when all the essential oils in your stash aren’t making Mondays feel any less manic...
Something’s got to shift.
What if you didn’t have to dread Monday mornings, ever again?
What if you didn’t have to pretend to be like your extroverted coworkers, just to make it through the workday?
What if it were possible to pay the bills and do fulfilling work - without dragging your own well-being through the grinder?
If you're reading this letter, you've probably been mulling over these possibilities for a while. Because what you’re doing right now feels just plain wrong in your body, mind, or spirit - despite your many attempts to get realigned.
Maybe you've changed your job (or even your whole career) a couple times already, and the initial rush of doing something new has worn off... only to leave you feeling as unfulfilled or cynical as before.
Maybe you thought you were on the right career path or found the perfect job, but after a year of sucking it up like a responsible adult, you can no longer ignore the deep Knowing that something is painfully "off".
Maybe you love what you do, but you've struggled through countless cycles of burnout, and you're starting to question whether you want to keep doing the work if it means that you'll be inevitably sacrificing your own well-being for the cause.
All of these scenarios are symptoms of misalignment at work. And if you’re someone who’s naturally introspective, I bet this misalignment feels even more intolerable for you than it does for the average human.
For heart-centered introverts and empaths like us, feeling misaligned feels like we’re standing outside of our integrity - and that’s not okay.
When you read this letter to the very end, I hope you'll see that it's not only possible to feel energized & fulfilled at work, but that working in a way that's aligned with your intuitive, introverted self is actually the key to making the powerful impact you’re meant to make in the world.
I feel you.
In 2010, I was fresh out of grad school, practicing as a community-based healthcare professional for nonprofits.
I worked with traumatized communities in LA and, later, the San Francisco Bay Area. The work mattered, my clients mattered, and while we’re being honest, paying off student loans mattered!
I was proud of the time, money, and effort I’d invested into my career. Especially in the first couple years, there were joyful moments, for sure.
And yet, things started feeling wrong about a year and half in, after my “fresh out of grad school” sheen had worn off. I started struggling at work, which was made worse by the fact that no one else seemed to be having a hard time at all!
I listened to my coworkers speak about their work with joy and enthusiasm, while I wanted to talk about anything but. They had the energy to see friends and do passion projects on the weekends while I stayed home to nurse stress-induced headaches, despite my best efforts at self-care during the week. My coworkers kept getting promoted and were invited to sit at decision-making tables - even though I was the one who'd trained them!
Why wasn’t I as lit up as my coworkers? Was I just worse at tolerating stress, less skillful, or somehow weaker than them? Did I just suck at the job? Did all their extroverting and schmoozing get them ahead?
“There must be something wrong with me,” I decided. “I must be broken.”
Practicing self-care wasn't enough to prevent chronic stress from wreaking havoc on my body, mind, and spirit... and working my ass off didn’t help me to make the impact I wanted to make in the organization or the community.
I powered through for two more years, trying the best I could to succeed in the same way that my coworkers did, before I finally pooped out. There came a day when I felt like I’d literally hit a wall; I felt anxious every single day, I was totally burnt out, and I felt like I had absolutely no more physical, mental, or emotional energy to give on-the-job.
So out of self-preservation, I made up my mind: I would quit my job and leave the industry.
But first, I needed to figure out what I would leave the industry for.
thus began the experimentation… and a breakthrough.
First, I tried changing myself, so I could put my “best” self forward as I began low-key job hunting.
I pinpointed all the things that frustrated me about myself - all the things that made me different from the coworkers who I was so envious of:
I was too quiet.
Too slow to speak.
Too prone to burn out.
Too “real” when trying to network or schmooze.
Too awkward when trying to make small talk.
Too drained when doing things others seem energized by, and too excited about doing things that other people find too “abstract”.
Too “big picture” and innovative and touchy-feely, while everyone else was focused on just getting the work done.
After a months-long deep dive into these personal qualities that I couldn't seem to change, I began to identify as an introvert, INFJ, intuitive, empath, and highly sensitive person. Labels can sometimes be limiting or suppressive, but I found solace in these words because their mere existence means that I'm not alone.
I came to realize that I belonged to groups of people who had whole books and blogs and websites and conferences devoted to them! This sense of belonging gave me the courage to finally accept this truth: YES, I am irrevocably different from my colleagues, and this makes us show up differently at work - which is not a bad thing.
There’s nothing actually wrong with being an introspective, thoughtful, deeply-feeling, super observant, creative, and big-picture thinking human who isn’t willing to settle for the status quo way of doing things.
The real problem wasn’t me - the problem was that my work situation didn’t support my well-being or my talents as an introverted empath.
For the first time in my life, I started to focus less on how to be a good fit for my job, and more on how to make my job a good fit for me.
I cut my hours. I tried focusing more on whatever “big picture” work tasks were available, like planning and developing programs or partnerships. I looked into interesting part-time jobs and volunteering gigs to do on the side. I stopped going to those two-hour meetings I loathed so much. I even tried to commute on the train instead of driving in traffic, with the hopes that this would help decrease my overall work-related stress.
And being an occupational therapist at the time, I ended up using my own clinical skills on myself. I sought to answer these questions: What are my personal strengths and values, and how can I apply them at work? What types of physical or social environments are supportive of my needs? What are my sensory needs? Which work tasks energize me and which ones drain me? What types of roles can I excel at by being my introverted and empathic self?
2 years of experimentation, 3 industries, 4 jobs, and countless odd looks from my loved ones later, I’ve re-designed my work life on my own terms.
I no longer grind my teeth or get stress headaches on a daily basis. I no longer have to spend my entire weekend recovering from introvert hangovers, and I no longer have to meditate between every meeting just to keep my anxiety in check to get through the workday.
My daily life is now spent on work that lights me up: writing, playing with big ideas, learning and growing constantly, and building genuine connections with heart-centered people.
I no longer have to hide who I really am in order to be “successful” or to make an impact. I no longer have to render my essence invisible while on-the-job.
Maybe you’re feeling a similar type of invisibility right now, where no one seems to see or appreciate the authentic value you bring. So, for 8 hours a day, you push down the parts of you that are “useless” in the culture of your job: your pensiveness, your quietly healing presence, your urge to think about big possibilities while everyone else is fumbling around the weeds trying to solve tiny problems.
Getting to stand in your gifts - the very ones that you feel like you have to hide right now - will be a relief unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. Trust.
Now, I want to be clear: there’s probably a ton of other introverted empaths who could have been successful and fulfilled by doing the work I used to do. I don’t like to box introverts, empaths, or highly sensitive people into specific types of jobs or careers.
But I do believe that people like us can’t be the healthiest and most powerful versions of ourselves until our work is aligned with our genuine passions, instincts, and talents.
The key to my current success and fulfillment was that I respected my intuition enough to follow it.
You and I were gifted with a stronger intuition than most, and we are more attuned to our energies than most.
It’s time to leverage the potential of your natural gifts, so that you can finally step into the joyful, impactful work that’s waiting for you.
introducing: get aligned at work.
This 7-week program will support you in finding or creating work that truly aligns with who you are and how you thrive as a heart-centered introvert and empath.
It took me over two years of lonely experimentation to distill the most barebones way to get physically, socially, and energetically aligned at work. But it was totally worth it.
To date, I’ve already used my barebones strategy numerous times to:
Pinpoint what I wanted from a job so I could advocate for my needs
Course-correct when I’m veering towards work that no longer feels nourishing
Decide whether I should leave or stay at a job
Steer clear of misaligned work while job hunting, saving me time and saving me from regret, in the process.
It’s natural for our careers to change and shift as we grow, but I now navigate my career journey with confidence — because I know exactly how to pivot my work situation in a way that supports my well-being and feeds my soul.
I have the satisfaction of knowing that I’ll never have to settle for a soul-sucking or health-harming job just to pay the bills, ever again.
In short, the strategy I’ll guide you through in Get Aligned At Work will save you from months or years of fruitless effort and directionless wandering by helping you to distill the answer to this one bottom-line question:
You know that your current work situation isn’t working for you anymore, but…
Should you stay at your current job, or should you go?
If you stay, what would make your work a better fit for you?
If you go, what type of work should you be looking for instead?
What do you actually want from your job, and is it possible to make that happen?
Get Aligned At Work will help you figure all that out in just 7 weeks, and you won’t have to do it alone.
Get Aligned At Work will help you to thrive at work by working with - and not against - your innate gifts as an intuitive, heart-centered, and introspective empath.
here’s what you’ll accomplish in 7 weeks:
Pinpoint your unique “must-haves” and “deal-breakers” in any work situation, so you can quickly assess whether it’s a good fit for you - and not just whether you’re a good fit for the job
Identify your most enduring personality traits and values, so that you can start leveraging them as superpowers in your work
Build a workplace social support system that’ll serve as a bottomless resource for belonging and safety, no matter how the rest of your workday looks like
Adapt your physical work environment to meet your needs as an intuitive or highly sensitive person, so you can be soothed - and not stressed - by your surroundings
Discover how your work impacts your physical, mental, and emotional energy, so you can do more of what energizes you and less of what drains you
Develop and implement a realistic, soul-aligned plan for how you’ll start working in a way that works for you - whether that means tweaking your current work situation or pursuing a courageous new path
what you’ll get
When you join Get Aligned At Work, you will get all of these goodies:
A no-BS self assessment + 1-hour intensive* (valued at $189) where we'll zero in on precisely which work responsibilities or workplace characteristics are the most (and least) aligned with your body, heart, and energy, so you can make the most authentically-you choices moving forward. No more regrets - it’s your time to move your work situation forward in a way that makes you proud.
6 weekly Alignment Assignments (valued at $84): Get the most out of every Momentum Session with me by completing a weekly Alignment Assignment, which is part worksheet and part journaling activity. As a fellow introvert, I understand that a lot of juicy reflection, intuitive hits, and creative solutions arise when you’re alone. That’s what these assignments are for - so you can get grounded in your inner knowing before talking it out and taking strategic action.
Alignment Assignment #1: Assess how your physical workspace affects your body, mind and soul.
Alignment Assignment #2: Assess your social environment at work.
Alignment Assignment #3: Assess how your work impacts your physical, mental, and emotional energy.
Alignment Assignment #4: Set 3 aligned goals.
Alignment Assignment #5: Accelerate towards alignment.
Alignment Assignment #6: Envision.
6 Momentum Sessions* (valued at $280): Our weekly 1-on-1 phone calls will be the “meat” of the program. This’ll be your time to digest the revelations you gained from completing the prep sheets, and convert all that insight into soul-aligned action. What’s the most important takeaway to focus on, right now? What would you like to change about your work situation and what would you like to keep? What can be changed, and what cannot? What next steps might you take to create a more aligned work situation, in a way that feels good in your whole body? Who or what can be a resource to you in this moment? How can you set yourself up for success as you take a self-affirming career leap? Where and how can you share your quiet talents to make the most positive impact in your community? These are just some of the questions we’ll work together to answer, so you can keep your momentum as you move towards the type of work that’s meant for you. I am in your corner.
Textline Office Hours (valued at $40): You are never alone! Your colleagues and maybe even your loved ones might look at you funny for wanting to pivot and try something new… but I get you. I’ve been there. We’re on this transformative journey together. Text me during my office hours so you can get the encouragement, support, and celebration that you deserve - even between our weekly calls.
I’ve crafted this program so you can free yourself from burnout and unfulfillment, learn how to use your assets in the most powerful way, and take the next right step towards the kind of work that will allow you to thrive as the quiet changemaker, heart-centered creative, or everyday healer that you are.
*Services denoted with an asterisk are only available for clients residing in the U.S. If you do not reside in the U.S., no worries! You can join the self-paced yet still high-touch Get Aligned at Work: Drop-In Edition. <- click to see details for how you can get the benefits and weekly coaching support of the flagship GAAW program, but from any timezone!
what’s your future worth to you?
Imagine for a sec: how would your life look or feel different if you joined Get Aligned At Work?
If all this did was give you the power to delete the most soul-draining meetings or tasks from your work calendar, once and for all, would it be worth it?
If all this did was give you the physical and emotional energy to show-up for loved ones at Saturday barbecues - instead of showing up with exhaustion and complaints about work - would it be worth it?
If all this did was help you to land a job where you can finally say “I’m an introvert” in front of supportive colleagues who get you, would it be worth it?
I want you to enjoy all these possibilities.
Get Aligned At Work is valued at:
But I want to make this program as affordable and accessible to as many heart-centered introverts and empaths as possible, because I truly believe the world needs your gifts and perspective - NOW, more than ever.
Have you watched the news lately? The world needs loving, creative folks like you to heal it, in your own quiet way. I don’t want the price tag to keep you from finding the kind of work where you can make the greatest impact.
That being said, I’d like you to receive all the benefits of this 7-week program for the price of just one thrifty weekend getaway:
This amounts to just $37 per week - which includes weekly curriculum that’s tailor-made for heart-centered introverts like you, and 1-on-1 coaching from a fellow empath who understands that following your gut is the key to your success.
Is a soul-aligned job and long-term resilience against work stress worth $37 per week to you?
*On a budget? No worries! Get Aligned At Work: Drop-In Edition is an even more cost-effective alternative to the flagship GAAW program. CLICK HERE to see details for how to get the benefits and weekly support similar to the flagship program, but for only $89.
the world is waiting for you
to step into the work that's truly meant for you.
Can you see your radiant future self, in your mind’s eye? I can.
I can see you walking into work every morning with joy and ease, confident in the fact that you're the most talented person for the job.
I can see you giving boundless energy to a cause, mission, or creative project that you’re sure is meant for you - and getting just as much energy back from doing the work as you’re putting into it.
I can see you expertly prioritizing your own well-being while continuing to do important work, knowing that you never need to sacrifice your own healing for the greater good, ever again.
I can see you being a sought-after leader in your workplace, showing up authentically for your colleagues with your unteachable blend of intuition, deep listening, and empathy.
In short, I can see you thriving at work by being more of yourself, not less.
All this is possible, if you choose to accept the support you deserve.
“Get Aligned At Work served as my north star throughout my journey to better understand my authentic self and land my dream job. Diana is an amazing coach and words cannot express how grateful I am to have connected with her. Thank you, Diana!”
― Michelle
ready to join?
If you’re ready to create a work life that supports your Whole Self - and not the other way around - click the button to apply for Get Aligned At Work right now.
Once you click the button, you’ll be taken to a 5-minute questionnaire where you’ll be asked to answer a few screening questions to ensure this program is a good match for you.
After you submit the questionnaire, I’ll email you within 24 hours with everything you need to know to get started!
For she who is already signing up - get ready to start your self-assessment, and to schedule your 1-hour intensive with me. I can’t wait to hear your story, and to support you in writing a new story that you can be proud of!
coming full circle…
I believe in my heart of hearts that your subtle gifts as an introverted empath are also sacred gifts. I believe that the love and energy you can share with the world is too important to stay hidden, to be rendered invisible.
But we are all on our own journeys and timelines.
If you’re not ready to join Get Aligned At Work, no hard feelings. Regardless, I will still be making a living by doing work that lights me up. I’ll still be paying my bills while creating infinite space for creativity and connection with like-spirited humans.
Just know that I’m in your corner if and when you’re ready to jump in the ring.
But if you’re ready to make that self-affirming decision to stop settling for soul-sucking work once and for all, I’m here for you right now.
If you’re ready to fast track your way to the kind of work that aligns with your core values, your true personality, and the specific ways in which you thrive… I’m here for you.
Remember, as a client of Get Aligned At Work, you’ll get exclusive access to:
the holistic self-assessment & 1-hour intensive
6 clarity-inducing Alignment Assignments
6 Momentum Sessions
textline office hours support
a guide and coach who gets you and celebrates your strengths as an introverted empath.
… All for only $259.
Click the button to join right now.
Let the transformation begin.
Much love,
How do I know if Get Aligned At Work is right for me?
Making a difference and living a meaningful life is non-negotiable for you.
You feel like you have to pretend to be someone you’re not, just to get through your workday.
You’re constantly exhausted from spending the bulk of your time helping others.
You’re secretly unfulfilled; you’re scared that your true calling is passing you by.
You are an intuitive and introverted person - but aren’t sure how to use this as a strength and may even see this as a liability sometimes. You spend a lot of time hiding these parts of yourself from your extroverted colleagues.
You feel painfully stagnated in your life, but none of your friends or family “get” why this is such a big deal to you.
You are ready to stop living a life that was meant for someone else and start creating one that is uniquely you.
How do I know if Get Aligned At Work is NOT for me?
You’ve already decided that you want to “ride it out” and are not looking to change your lifestyle anytime soon.
You just need a place to vent; while you’d enjoy the program as a safe and nonjudgmental space, you’re not actually interested in being challenged to change your life for the better.
You want someone to tell you what you should do, or what the single “right choice” is. You’re not interested in nurturing your own intuition or learning more about yourself.
You think you’ve already found your purpose or new direction, and you already have all the resources and support you need to achieve it.
What will happen during the weekly Momentum Sessions?
When you call me for our once-a-week Momentum Session, you are the boss. While I have expertise in holding safe space and asking empowering questions, you are the expert on yourself and your life. I’ll ask you clarifying questions, support the creative problem-solving process, be your sounding board, and challenge you to follow your own wisdom - all in the name of supporting you in taking aligned action towards the kind of work that’s meant for you.
How long is each Momentum Session?
Each Momentum Session is scheduled to be 30 minutes long. That being said, transformative and empowering conversations don’t always follow schedules, so it’s 100% okay if you need 10 minutes more or 10 minutes less, depending on what’s most supportive for you at each point of the program.
What should I do between each weekly session?
After each weekly Momentum Session phone call, I’ll email you an Alignment Assignment to complete before the next session. I suggest you take a look at it right away, even if you don’t actually complete it until closer to the date of the next Momentum Session. It will offer you guidance and points of focus that you can integrate into the rest of your week right away.
My schedule or budget will make it hard for me to participate in 7 weeks of live coaching calls. What should I do?
You might be interested in Get Aligned At Work: Drop-In Edition.