The Purpose-Driven Introvert


Hi, I'm Diana.

I'm a lot of things. I'm a woman of color (WoC), an "old" millenial, an occupational therapist in a prior life, a youth advocate, a mental health advocate, a creative, and an introvert. 

It took 7 years of forcing myself to conform to traditional, socially-accepted ways of working, learning, and forming personal or professional relationships before I called it quits. I realized that ignoring my natural tendencies as a sensitive, thoughtful, and irrepressibly creative introvert was burning me out repeatedly. And there's only so much burnout a girl can take!

Suppressing your true self saps energy and hurts the body.

So I switched things up: I reinvented my work, life purpose, social circle, and lifestyle. I chose to spend my time in environments where I could be myself and have more control over the level of stimulation I got every day. I structured my week so that I'd have regularly-scheduled pockets of alone time.

And most of all, I stopped trying to act like an extrovert when pursuing my friendships or my goals! I started using my natural strengths as a sensitive and creative introvert instead.

It's been a long road to self-acceptance, and an even longer road to self-celebration! To me, that's the ultimate sign of well-being. 

What I once thought of as a small and quiet personality was actually my biggest, most powerful asset to living a meaningful life.

This is what I've come to know: healing comes from listening to, giving to, and being yourself.

I now coach quietly brilliant women like you to (re)connect with their emotional, spiritual, and physical needs--because I truly believe you can make the greatest impact in the world when you're feeling good and being you.

Personal Tidbits 

  • I'm a proud INFJ
  • I have two cats: Lucy and Ricky.
  • I'm 4'11", but I've been told I have "stature".
  • A few of my favorite things: stories, yoga, multi-cultural foods, hiking or running outdoors, and anything with Shonda Rhimes' name on it.

Professional Tidbits

  • B.A. in Social Science from University of California, Irvine
  • M.A. in Occupational Therapy from University of Southern California
  • Life Advisor Training Program, 2010
  • Radical Self Acceptance, Mindfulness and Yoga: Effective Treatments for Trauma and Mood Disorders, 2013
  • American Occupational Therapy Association presents "Let's Think Big About Wellness", 2015
  • Self-Compassion and Resilience: Clinical Interventions for Rewiring Self-Criticism, 2015
  • Biopsychosocial Dimensions of Creating Life Balance, 2016
  • Coaching for Transformation, coaching certification (in process)